Robert Moffat, Balderton Capital, United Kingdom, @robmoff
Jonas Krauspe, NE-RD-4040, Germany, @jonaskrauspe
Anna Rojahn, ARC UG, Berlin, @annarojahn
Soeren von Varchmin, Lords of the Cloud Age, Spain, @svvarchmin
Daniel Putsche, Candylabs GmbH, Germany,@dputsche
Raph Crouan, Startupbootcamp, UK, @raphcrouan
Alexander Peiniger, quintly, Germany, @alexpeiniger
Lukas Gräf, STARTPLATZ, Germany, @lsgraef
Robbie Bouschery, 360VIER, Germany, @RBouschery
Peter Kovacs, Global Startup Awards, Hungary, @kowaxisee